
Hello :)

Let's Create For Mental Wellness!

Welcome :) This is Creativity 4 Wellness,  Thank You for stopping by! Let's Create for Mental Goodness This blog will explore the idea of sharing creativity (writing, arting & making) as a way of mindfulness, healing, and communication. Through this blog, I want to share with you paintings and hap-hazard creations that might give insight into a few tricky things I have felt at times. Some of you might be able to relate to these feelings too.  This blog aims to encourage you to try creative outlets, suggest ways of exploring your passions, and maybe discuss ideas on how we might be able to find a bit more happiness. I hope to share with you the simple healing tool of a pen and paper, and also describe to you the usefulness and poignance of splashing around some colour, or making squiggly drawings such as this: Interesting. A bit about me:  I am not in any way a Professional People-Helper-Person...I can only share my personal ...

Diseases & Rainbows

I am on the moon

Notice That

Creative Writing for Wellbeing

Toddler Art For Grown Ups!

Bridport Mind Fest




